Transform Bedtime Battles

Put an end to bedtime struggles and create a peaceful bedtime for you and your toddler. Finally, bedtime routines that are stress-free and enjoyable for both you and your child!

Empower Your Toddler

Teach your toddler the essential skills for independent sleep using the effective strategies that you've been needing to finally make a change, all while nurturing your relationship and attachment bond with your child.

End Middle of the Night Wake-Up Calls

Get the tools you need to allow  your toddler to learn how to sleep in their own bed, all night!  Choose from flexible, practical strategies tailored to your unique child and parenting style.

Your Roadmap to Restful Nights

In this course, you will get clear, step-by-step guidance to eliminate bedtime struggles.  You'll develop a deeper understanding of your toddler's sleep development and needs.  The result--- a happier home, a well-rested child, and peace of mind.

Course Curriculum

  1. 1


    1. Welcome Free preview
    2. 3 Tiers of Sleep Support Overview Free preview
    3. (Included in full purchase)
    4. (Included in full purchase)
    5. (Included in full purchase)
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    Tier 1 Sleep Support

    1. (Included in full purchase)
    2. (Included in full purchase)
    3. (Included in full purchase)
    4. (Included in full purchase)
    5. (Included in full purchase)
    6. (Included in full purchase)
    7. (Included in full purchase)
    8. (Included in full purchase)
    9. (Included in full purchase)
    10. (Included in full purchase)
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    More Healthy Sleep Factors

    1. (Included in full purchase)
    2. (Included in full purchase)
    3. (Included in full purchase)
    4. (Included in full purchase)
    5. (Included in full purchase)
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    Tier 2 Sleep Support

    1. (Included in full purchase)
    2. (Included in full purchase)
    3. (Included in full purchase)
    4. (Included in full purchase)
    5. (Included in full purchase)
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    Tier 3 Sleep Supports

    1. (Included in full purchase)
    2. (Included in full purchase)
    3. (Included in full purchase)
    4. (Included in full purchase)

Meet Your Sleep Coach

Hi there! I'm Liza, your course instructor and sleep coach. As a parent myself, I understand the challenges of toddler sleep. Join me on this journey to transform your toddler's sleep habits and reclaim your nights.

Ready to Transform Bedtime?

Join our course today and take the first step towards helping your 2.5-4 year old learn to sleep through the night. This holistic course based on my 3 Tiered System of Sleep Support has everything you need to help you learn the most effective methods for teaching your toddler healthy sleep habits.